
Tools for stakeholder engagement

Three Outreach Tools

Imaginations about robots in public media are more often wrong than right. Robot makers’ imaginations of how ordinary citizens live their lives are also often more wrong than right. In order to create imaginations of robots and citizens that are closer to the real world, the REELER project (Responsible Ethical Learning with Robotics) made use of novel methodologies to give both robot makers and affected stakeholders a space for mutual exchange about a robotic future, built around a number of REELER’s ethnographic case studies of robots being developed in Europe. These novel methods include experiments with mini-publics, design games, and dramatic methods (including REELER’s own social drama and explorations of the established Sociodrama approach with professional Sociodramatists).

  • Mini-publics  A citizen council for knowledge transfer and debate, where the general public are invited to learn about and discuss targeted issues pertaining to a given topic presented by experts in that field.
  • Action methods  Established and new experiments in dramatic methods, Sociodrama & social drama are used for perspective-taking and reflection on one’s own practices.
  • Policy recommendations A summary of the main problems REELER identified and recommendations for a two-pronged strategy to solve them.
A citizen council for knowledge transfer and debate, where the general public and experts discuss targeted issues.
Established and new experiments in dramatic methods, used for perspective-taking and reflection on one’s own practices.
A summary of five main problems in responsible robotics and two recommendations to solve them.

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